
Jennifer Davey is a contemporary American artist. Her paintings are minimal and poetic. They explore themes of loss, integration, joy, and healing. Davey navigates the internal landscape of emotion while also drawing inspiration from external geography in order to create her paintings. Recently relcoated from Denver, Colorado to the Pacific Northwest, the geography and climate are dramatically impacting her paintings. Verdant greens, dense, foggy rainy days, and the impact of the seasons are weaving their way into her work. A return to her life-long love of fashion and drawing are also emerging.  These interests reflect a core desire to be grounded in the body in order to create a healthy, vibrant mind-body-spirit.


In 2021, she completed the 3 year Painting Mentorship program with contemporary artist Enrique Martinez Celyaya  at Anderson Ranch. Her understanding of painting is deeply rooted in her 10 years spent with the paintings of Clyfford Still at the Clyfford Still Museum in Denver, Colorado as a member, volunteer, and employee.  She obtained her B.F.A in sculpture from Colorado State University in 2002.


Exhibitions locations include Domicile Gallery, Seattle, Point Gallery Denver, Artwork Center for Contemporary Art in Loveland, McGlothlin Center for the Arts at Emory and Henry College, Virginia, and Larimer County Community College in Cheyenne Wyoming,  and the Fort Collins Museum of Art in Ft Collins, Colorado. A life long passion for education through the arts, she has taught at The Clyfford Still Museum as well as in many different venues both online and in person for children and adults. She writes a regular Friday letter to email subscribers, sharing about her studio practice, art, and philosophy. 




Selected Exhibitions

One Person, Two Person Shows

2020, What Lies Beneath, Artworks Center for Contemporary Art, Loveland, CO

2019, What Lies Beneath, McGlothlin Center for the Arts, Emory and Henry College, Emory, VA

2019, What Lies Beneath, Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, Wyo.

2017, What You Believe is What You See, Artworks, Loveland, CO

2016, What You Believe is What You See, Point Gallery, Denver, CO

2016, A Meditation on the Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Jennifer Davey and Jennie KiesslingArtworks, Loveland, CO

2015, BOUND, Point Gallery, Denver, CO

2015, PUSH, Jennifer Davey and Sue Gibbons, Point Gallery, Denver, CO

2014, Jennifer Davey and Bob Maes, Point Gallery, Denver, CO

2013, Quiet, Valhall Arts, Fort Collins, CO

2011, Transformative Elements, Leland House, Durango, CO

2011, Elements, Toolbox Creative, Fort Collins, CO

Group Exhibitions

2021, Art Inspired by Poetry, Artwork Center for Contemporary Art, Loveland, CO

2020, Rocky Mountain Biennial, juror: Leah Ollman, Fort Collins Museum of Art, Fort Collins

2018, 5 Locals, Curfman Gallery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

2018, New Work From the Studios, Artworks, Loveland, CO

2016, New Work, Artworks, Loveland, CO

2016, Three Artists, Bas Bleu, Fort Collins, CO

2016, Line Casting, Artworks Loveland, Loveland, CO

2016, A Contemplative Act, Community Creative Center, Fort Collins, CO

2015, A Woman in Her Place, McGlothlin Center for the Arts, Emory & Henry College, Emory, VA

2015, The Color Show, Gallery Nine-Seventy, Loveland, CO

2015, Line, invitational: Charmain Schuh, The Nalanda Gallery, Naropa University, Boulder, CO

2015, Annual Contemporary Art Survey, juror: Dean Sobel, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO

2014, Incite Insight, juror: Ivar Zeile, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO

2014, The Real Draw, invitational: Mary Ann Kokoska, Carnegie Creative Center, Fort Collins

2014, Artistic Eye on History, invitational: Marianne Lorenz,Fort Collins Museum of Art, Fort Collins, CO

2014, Juried Studio Tour Preview Exhibit, juror: Jeanne Schoaff, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins

2013, 11 Painters: Perseverance, Carnegie Commons Creative Center, Fort Collins, CO

2013, Juried No Place Like Home Exhibition, juror: Cecily Cullen, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins

2013, Juried Lone Tree Art Exhibition and Sale, juror: Katharine Warren-Smith, Lone Tree Arts Center

2013, Juried Studio Tour Preview Exhibition, juror: Jeanne Schoaff, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO

2012, Juried Studio Tour Preview Exhibition, juror: Jeanne Schoaff, Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO

2011, Juried Studio Tour Preview Exhibition, juror: Jeanne Schoaff Art Lab, Fort Collins, CO

2011, Art House Co-op Sketchbook Project, Brooklyn, NY

2010, Creative Gardens Invitational Exhibition, Fort Collins, CO

2006, Juried Studio Tour Exhibition, Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins  



2019, April 23, Clyfford Still and Minor White at The California School of Fine Arts, by Jennifer Davey, Still Life Blog, Clyfford Still Museum

2017, March 21, Clyfford Still and Dorothea Lange, Iconic Images of the Depression, by Jennifer Davey, Still Life Blog, Clyfford Still Museum

2015, October 28, Jennifer Davey Uses Art to Bridge Gaps Between Peopleby Kenneth Jessen, The Loveland Reporter Herald

2015, August 24, Jennifer Davey Paints with Words, Deidre Adams with Scribblesby Michael Paglia, The Westword

2014, July 31, Faces, Places Inspire Art on Display Now, by Stacy Nick, The Coloradoan

2014, June 12-18, vol. 37, Artbeat Introductions, byMichael Paglia, p.32, The Westword

2010, May 28, Art and Food, an Unlikely Comparison, The Contemporary Fluid

2001, Guest and Students Build Art, Sculptor Michael Shaughnessy directs communal process as part of Critic and Artist Residency Series, Visual Voice, Vol 4 Issue 1, Spring, C.S.U.

2000, Art Proposes Basic Solutions, Helen and Newton Harrison Spend Time on Campus as part of Critic and Artist Residency Series, Visual Voice, Vol 3, Issue 1, Spring, C.S.U.



2018-20, Advanced Mentored Study Program with Enrique Martinez Celaya, Anderson Ranch, Snowmass, CO

2013, First Place, mixed media, juried Lone Tree Art Exhibition and Sale

2006, Best of Show, Wolverine Farms Publishing & The Fort Collins Museum, "Year of the Woman" juried  art show

2000, Highest Distinction, sculpture, 7th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium, Curfman Gallery, Colorado State University 



2019 Artist representative, Artworks Loveland, Loveland, CO

2013-2019, volunteer at Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO

2015-2017, board member at The Fort Collins Museum of Art



2002, BFA, Sculpture, cum laude, Teacher Licensure, K-12 Art, Minor-Japanese, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO